Book Review: Who moved my cheese by Spence Johnson

Book Review: Who moved my cheese by Spence Johnson

Book Review: Who moved my cheese by Dr Spence Johnson

This book is so short and simply written, that most readers will read it in one go.

‘Who moved my cheese is a story of four mice, who are looking for cheese in a maze. Cheese is a metaphor for what you want to have in life i.e. happiness. Each reader will relate to the characters of the mice.

This short story will give the readers a new perspective on change. Be it dealing with change in jobs, changing places, changes in relationships, in short, any kind of change.

Who moved my cheese will inspire you to, ‘Anticipate change’, ‘Adapt to change quickly’ and ‘Enjoy the change’.

This book is a must-read for all who are looking for and already dealing with several changes in work and life.


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