Book Review: How to Be Better at Almost Everything by Pat Flynn

Book Review: How to Be Better at Almost Everything by Pat Flynn

Book Review: How to Be Better at Almost Everything by Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn (@patflynn) is multitalented, he is a sales professional, coach, athlete, and bestselling author.  His book “How to Be Better at Almost Everything” is a gem meant for everyone.

This book is an easy and engaging read. It makes a case for generalism and the overlooked benefits it brings. It’s not about killing yourself trying to be the best. It’s about putting the pieces of the puzzle together and getting better at the skills you need. The book demolishes the view that only being a specialist in a domain is the way to success and establishes that in the new global economy being a generalist has higher chances of success.

Flynn shares tools and tricks to combine interests and stack skills to achieve greatness. He doesn’t say that the process will be easy and sets realistic expectations for learning new skills.

I can attribute many things in my life to having varied level of knowledge of several things. I can’t claim to be an expert in any one domain. But I do have complementary skills that give me a competitive edge. Thanks to Flynn, I am able to acknowledge this. And will now consciously stack my skills.

Flynn breaks down generalism and the principles behind getting better at things as follows:

  1. Skill Stacking is more important than Specialization

  2. The Rule of 80 Percent (Learning 80% of the skill will be ok for performing better than the majority)

  3. Integration of new things into your existing lifestyle is more important than learning a few things in isolation

  4. Repetition and Resistance is the key to skill stacking.

This book will certainly give you a new perspective on approaching life. A must-read for all who are constantly comparing themselves to others and feeling inadequate. The book is for all those who cannot afford to exhaust themselves in becoming specialists in only one domain.


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