Tata, a name synonymous with trust, innovation, and contribution to India’s growth, is not just a business empire but an integral part of the country’s heritage. As someone whose spouse hails from Jamshedpur, a city meticulously planned by the Tatas in 1919, the connection is not just geographical but emotional. The discussions about Jamshedpur and Tata in our household are not mere conversations; they are expressions of love and admiration.
Having heard numerous tales about Tata’s work ethics, values, and the city of Jamshedpur from my Father-in-law and wife, my curiosity was piqued. It led me to pick up Tata Stories by Harish Bhat as my next read. Little did I know that this book would take me on an awe-inspiring journey through the illustrious legacy of the Tatas and their significant contributions to India’s growth.
In Tata Stories, Harish Bhat has masterfully compiled 40 stories that provide profound insights into Tata’s history. These stories paint a vivid picture of the journey that started with founder of Tata Group Jamsetji N Tata’s visionary zeal to create a workforce for the Tata factories in the first planned city of India, Jamshedpur.
Book Review: ‘Tata Stories’ by Harish Bhat
Here are just a few glimpses that left an indelible mark on me:
Tata’s focus on employee welfare
- – Jamsetji pioneered the introduction of Pension fund for employees as early as 1886 and accident compensation in 1895.
- – How Jubilee Diamond – which is twice as large as the Kohinoor – was mortgaged to save Tata Steel from collapsing and to ensure timely salaries for employees.

The boldness and innovation that characterised the Tata’s
- – The legacy of Titan, defying odds to create world-class watches when scepticism surrounded Indian watch companies.
- – The establishment of Air India and the commercial aviation sector in India.
- – The fascinating story of the creation of Taj Hotels.
The Love for the India and far-sight for its growth
- – Contributions to research and development in India, including the formation of Indian Institute of Science in 1909 and other Tata institutes.
- – Tata’s pivotal role in shaping the roadmap for a new India before and after India’s Independence.
The story I liked the most was about encounter between Jamsetji and Swami Vivekananda on a ship to Japan. These stories have not only inspired me but also instilled a sense of responsibility to contribute meaningfully to the world we live in. Harish Bhat’s narrative skilfully weaves together the threads of history, business acumen, and social responsibility, showcasing the Tata Group’s remarkable journey.
Whether you are already a Tata enthusiast or new to their story, Tata Stories is a definite must-read. It not only provides a captivating glimpse into the past but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for readers to contribute their best to the world.
Book#: 245
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