Book Review: “Save It For Later” by Nate Powell
Book Review: Save it for later - Promises, Parenthood and the Urgency of Protest by Nate Powell

Book Review: “Save It For Later” by Nate Powell


Book Review: Save it for later - Promises, Parenthood and the Urgency of Protest by Nate Powell
Curioustitans Book Review: Save it for later – Promises, Parenthood and the Urgency of Protest by Nate Powell

“Save it for Later: Promises, Parenthood, and the Urgency of Protest” by Nate Powell is one of the best comics I’ve read recently. Nate, a National Award-winning cartoonist famous for his ‘March Trilogy’ with John Lewis, American politician, and civil rights leader, showcases himself as a character in the seven comic essays he crafted.

As the protagonist of these stories, Nate endeavours to inspire courage in his daughters amidst the changing realities of our times. Through compelling visuals, he narrates his efforts as a father to share perspectives on ultra-nationalistic sentiments, white supremacists in America and standing up for what is right and just.

The book delves into the dilemmas of parenthood as children grow influenced by their surroundings, and the challenges faced by young children trying to understand the world with events like the September 11 attacks and growing religious activism.

“Save it for Later” serves as a rallying call, urging readers to cling to optimism despite the society in crisis as depicted by Nate.
With this optimism, Nate leads his daughters to a neighbourhood march, creatively using art to teach them about the urgency of protest in an increasingly challenging world.

Although set in an American context, I recommend this graphic book to all parents and anyone interested in raising children in the future.

Book#: 249

#UrgencyOfProtest #SaveItForLater #LearningNeverEnds #ReadBetter #CuriousTitans


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