#CuriousTitans Book Review: Limitless By Jim Kiwk
Jim Kwik is a world renowned brain performance coach. For decades he has been helping celebrities, business persons, and people from all walks of life through his seminars and courses. In his book, Limitless, Jim addresses the key question – What if you could train yourself to learn faster? What if you could improve your memory?
Jim argues that parents and teachers often advise children to concentrate on their studies, without training them on ‘how to concentrate’. Asking a child to concentrate is like telling them to play guitar without any training. As a result, the same individuals when they grow up, are unable to focus on things at hand or learn fast.
In Limitless, Jim Kwik shares his Learning model, which he terms as the Limitless Model.The Limitless model consists of 3 parts –
Mindset – Possibility: Breaking old self-limiting beliefs and adopting new powerful ones.
Motivation – Purpose: Guide to getting clarity of your purpose. Getting clarity of ‘Your WHY’.
Methods – Process: Tips to improve focus, manage your energy and learn faster.
Using these 3 models Jim believes we can upgrade our brains, learn anything faster and unlock an exceptional life.
I have benefitted enormously from reading this book. Hope reading this will also help you create a better life.
Get Limitless on Kindle | Get Limitless on Audible
Here is a free 1 hour free master class by Jim Kwik on “How To be Truly Productive When Facing Distractions, Stress, Change and Uncertainty”
Book:# 210
#CuriousTitans #ReadBetter #JimKwik #LearningNeverEnds #BookReview