Book Review: “Grit” by Angela Duckworth

Book Review: “Grit” by Angela Duckworth

In a world filled with social media posts & self-help books promising overnight success and instant transformation, “Grit” by Angela Duckworth stands as a refreshing. It is a remarkably insightful exploration of passion and resilience. Duckworth’s meticulous research and practical wisdom make this book a standout in the genre, offering readers a genuine pathway to achieve their goals.

Effort Counts Twice: The Formula for Achievement

Duckworth’s core concept, beautifully encapsulated in the equation “Talent x Effort = Skill” and “Skill x Effort = Achievement,” challenges the notion that innate talent alone determines success. She asserts that while talent is important, effort plays a dual role: it builds skills and propels them toward meaningful accomplishments. This perspective recalibrates our understanding of achievement, emphasizing the power of deliberate practice and sustained hard work.

Growing Grit from Inside: Interest and Practice

She had created a grit scale based on her research, and it has been accurately predicting outcomes. When I took the Grit scale my scores were higher on the Passion scale than Resilience. Seeing them I was discouraged, but as Angela described in the book, we can become gritty and share insights on how we can grow Grit from the inside and become more resilient.

The sections on “Interest” and “Practice” are particularly enlightening. Duckworth delves into the disengagement crisis prevalent in workplaces globally, highlighting the rarity of people loving their jobs. She uncovers the essence of interest as a drive for novelty and curiosity. The chapter on “Practice” illuminates the concept of deliberate practice—breaking down complex skills into components and honing them meticulously. Duckworth debunks the myth of talent overshadowing the value of consistent practice, showing that gritty individuals combine diligent effort with the pursuit of mastery.

Purpose, Hope, and Growth Mindset

 “Purpose” and “Hope” chapters delve into the heart of intrinsic motivation. Duckworth’s journey from individual impact to broader societal change exemplifies the transformative power of aligning one’s passions with purpose. She navigates through fostering hope, addressing adversities, and the significance of a growth mindset. The story of “Fragile Perfects” captures the vulnerabilities of high achievers unaccustomed to failure, underlining the importance of resilience.

Cultural Influence and Leadership in Grit

Duckworth extends her analysis to cultural influences, explaining how “Culture of Grit” can shape individual tenacity. The symbiotic relationship between an individual’s drive and the cultural norms they are surrounded by speaks to the environment’s profound impact on one’s journey toward grit. The chapter “Parenting for Grit” underscores the role of parenting in nurturing grit in children, advocating for a balance between nurturing and challenging.

A Journey of Perseverance

As the book concludes, Duckworth artfully summarizes grit as an ongoing journey, characterized by persistence, steadfastness, and resilience. “Gritty” individuals embody the spirit of continuous progress and the willingness to get up one more time after falling down.

Final Thoughts

“Grit” by Angela Duckworth is a remarkable masterpiece that challenges conventional notions of success and achievement. With her rigorous research, practical insights, and real-life examples, Duckworth empowers readers to embrace their passions, cultivate resilience, and embark on a journey of continuous growth. Her work stands as a beacon of authenticity in the crowded self-help landscape.

I highly recommend “Grit” to anyone seeking to understand the true components of achievement and how passion and perseverance can pave the way to remarkable success.

I had read “Grit” 2 times before writing this review. The book has enriched my perspective on success and achievement, and I hope reading this can inspire you on your journey of growth and self-discovery.

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