Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole, Renee and Nikkolas
Curious Titans Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole, Renee and Nikkolas

Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole, Renee and Nikkolas

Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole Hannah Jones, Renee Watson and Nikkolas Smith


Curious Titans Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole, Renee and Nikkolas
Curious Titans Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole, Renee and Nikkolas
Born on the Water is a brilliant poetic work by Pulitzer prize winning journalist Nikole Hannah Jones and award winning author Renee Watson. This book is the part of the project 1619.

What is project 1619

The 1619 Project is a long-form journalism endeavor developed by Nikole Hannah-Jones, writers from The New York Times, and The New York Times Magazine. It focused on subjects of slavery and the founding of the United States. The first publication from the project was in The New York Times Magazine of August 2019.
[Source Wikipedia]

Born on the water is a beautifully illustrated by Nikkolas Smith, which tells the tale of the first Africans brought to America as slaves by European enslavers.
The story unfolds as a grandmother shares her family’s history with a child, beginning with their days of freedom in Africa, rich with songs, stories, culture, and land, before their forced migration.
Curious Titans Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole, Renee and Nikkolas
Curious Titans Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole, Renee and Nikkolas
In 1619, the first Africans arrived in Virginia, marking the dark beginning of American slavery. Many perished during the arduous journey across the Atlantic, enduring unimaginable conditions living at the bottom of the ships. But many survived. The new African settlers say, “We were born on the water, we come from the people who refused to die.”
Curious Titans Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole, Renee and Nikkolas
Curious Titans Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole, Renee and Nikkolas
The history of black people in America starts from 1619. And it is marked by 400 years suffering and resilience. They suffered but not give up.
The books recalls the first Afro-American boy born on the new land – William Trucker. And the countless Afro-Americans who contributed to America’s growth. They became poets, artists, teachers, policy makers, athletes, singers, dancers, scientists and much more.
Curious Titans Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole, Renee and Nikkolas
Curious Titans Book Review: Born on the Water by Nikole, Renee and Nikkolas
The grandmother reminds the child of their origins, instilling pride in the legacy. The little girl now aware that she descends of the people of great strength. And why Black Lives Matter.
An amazing story, depicted in stunning illustrations. Such picture books are the best way to teach the young about the complexities of the history of the world they live in.
I am glad to have picked up this remarkable book. I will keep collecting and sharing about such great works.


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