A musical performance uniting people under the spirit of Indian constitution
While the country is divided in opinions by one movie.
Another full auditorium musical was uniting the people under the spirit of the constitution.
Those who saw this show were lucky, as the crew performed for the last time on 24th March 2022 in Delhi after completing 50 shows in the last month.
“BabaSaheb The Grand Musical” is one of its kind musical narration of the life of an icon B R Ambedkar. It is amazing how Mahua Chauhan was able to portray the epic life of B R Ambedkar in 2.5 hours. Brilliant performance by Rohit Bose Roy (@rohitboseroy) as Ambedkar, Teekam Joshi, and my friend Bhavik Sharma, along with numerous dancers and crew members. Songs by Indian Ocean were additional treat.
Rohit Bose Roy as B R Ambedkar
I was able to watch the free-for-all, show twice with my family. Each time the 4000 sitting capacity hall was Full, and people still waiting outside get in. The show highlighted the true spirit of our constitution to young minds.
When divisiveness and hate are being served all across, Ambedkar’s ideology is needed more than ever in the current times.
In a few months, the show might move to other parts of India. Do watch whenever you get a chance.
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#BRAmbedkar #CuriousTitans #babasahebmusical #RohitBoseRoy